Cuomo Announces Creation of Climate & Jobs Initiative, Creation of Environmental Justice & Just Transition Working Group

"We applaud the Governor in the wake of Trump's shameful decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord for taking an important step toward realizing the massive job-creation potential of tackling the climate crisis head-on. New York Renews has been pushing our elected officials at the state level for over a year to implement strong climate legislation—the Climate and Community Protection Act—that prioritizes jobs and justice.

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NY Renews
Statement on Trump Reneging from Paris Climate Agreement

President Trump's deeply misguided decision to pull out of the historic Paris Climate Agreement is a disaster for all Americans, and for people around the world.  We are already feeling the impact of climate change, and Trump's fake populism will only accelerate the dangers of rising sea levels, heat waves, superstorms, food and water insecurity. This was a shameful, ignorant, incompetent and deeply unstrategic decision, and it puts New York families directly in harm’s way.

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NY Renews