Climate Must be Top Priority of Governor Cuomo’s SOS Roadshow

Statement from the NY Renews Coalition

For Immediate Release: January 9, 2017

Dan Sherrell (NY Renews): 732-589-2412

Travis Proulx (Environmental Advocates): 518-462-5526 x238


Governor Cuomo's budget roadshow must be about more than spurning legislators. He has given himself six opportunities to clearly tell New Yorkers how he will challenge President-elect Trump's anti-climate agenda, and finally act on his own climate and clean energy goals. Anything less is a failure from the man who once said, “Too often government responds to the whispers of lobbyists before the cries of the people.”

Governor Cuomo cannot ignore the cries of the communities where he delivers his speeches. In Buffalo and Syracuse, he should outline efforts to reduce air pollution and other impacts of climate change. He needs to commit to investing resources into disadvantaged communities on the frontlines that disproportionately feel these impacts.

In New York City, Long Island, and Westchester, he should explain how the devastation of Superstorm Sandy inspired a plan to cut carbon pollution across all sectors of the economy, such as transportation and buildings – not just power producers. He should also release a groundbreaking jobs plan that guarantees we get 100% of our electricity from clean, renewable sources in just 33 years. And in Albany, Governor Cuomo can tout what he and legislative leaders will do in 2017 to make New York the true climate leader the nation desperately needs in the face of the Trump administration’s greed-driven denial of climate science.

We will be listening.

Governor Cuomo has already talked about New York’s goals. Now he must turn words into action. There is already broad support in both houses of the Legislature and across the aisle for the Climate and Community Protection Act, the nation's strongest climate action bill. As he presents his vision for 2017 and puts that vision into action with his proposed budget, the governor must take this opportunity to protect New Yorkers from the impacts of climate change by including the Climate and Community Protection Act.”

Elizabeth Miller