Fund Climate Campaign

NY Renews is leading the fight to implement New York’s landmark Climate Justice Law. After winning our landmark Climate Law (CLCPA) and the state Climate Action Fund (CAF), we’re currently organizing our Fund Climate Campaign to ensure our Climate Law is fully funded and that investment serves our communities, not corporate interests. 

In 2025, New York State will begin collecting dedicated climate funding. If implemented, our Fund Climate Campaign would ensure this new climate funding goes where it matters most: to community-led solutions that increase affordability, decrease pollution, and make right on decades of environmental injustice.

Our Fund Climate Campaign centers on two transformative programs:

1. Affordable Climate Ready Homes Program: A statewide program that will focus on building decarbonization for low and moderate income households, to increase energy affordability and provide home repairs for those who need it most. This entails: 

  • Funding for hazard remediation  and repairs including asbestos, mold, etc. in preparation for upgrades such as heat pumps,  insulation, and other renewable energy installations. 

  • Measures to grow and diversify the unionized clean energy workforce.

Click here for the ACRHP one-pager.

2. The Community-Directed Grant Program: This program would provide democratized grants to community-based organizations in disadvantaged communities to design and implement community-led pollution reduction projects. Right now, the State has no structured support for communities to develop community-led plans or projects. Projects that this grant program could fund include projects like: The Resiliency Hub Proposal (We Stay/Nos Quedamos); the Expansion of the GRID Working Waterfront development in Brooklyn (UPROSE); the Sustainability Workforce Training Center (PUSH Buffalo); the CBO-based NYSERDA Clean Energy Hubs Program.

NY Renews is advocating that all projects and programs funded through the CAF meet our Fund Climate spending criteria. Every dollar must meet strict criteria: creating good jobs with gold star labor standards, cutting emissions while improving public health, and directing at least 35% of investments to disadvantaged communities. 

Our Indigenous Solidarity Priorities for the NYS FY25-26 Budget & 2025 Legislative Session include $5 Million for the Shinnecock Elder Caregiver Program; $20 Million for Native Schools; Increased Funding for Native Health Clinics; the Montaukett Reinstatement Bill (awaiting reintroduction); Stopping the Western New York STAMP Mega-Industrial Development. Read more about these initiatives here. We maintain that there can be no climate justice without upholding Indigenous sovereignty.

Together, we can organize to ensure NY funds climate! 

Read more about NY Renews’ Fund Climate Campaign Here.