Learn about our ongoing and past campaigns below:

Fund Climate Campaign (2024-Ongoing)

In 2025, New York State will begin collecting dedicated climate funding through the state cap-trade-and-invest program. If implemented, our Fund Climate Campaign would ensure this new climate funding goes where it matters most: to community-led solutions that increase affordability, decrease pollution, and make right on decades of environmental injustice.

Climate, Jobs & Justice Package (2023-2024)

NY Renews is currently organizing around the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Package, a legislative roadmap to rapidly decarbonize New York, make our state healthier and more equitable, ensure a just transition for workers, and help create an accessible green economy for all.

Federal Policy (2022-Ongoing)

In early 2021, NY Renews became the New York State lead for the Green New Deal Network, a 50-state campaign to win transformative climate and environmental justice policies by building grassroots coalitions at the community, state, and national level. In this capacity, NY Renews has organized on the ground to support the THRIVE agenda, an economic recovery package that would put over 15 million people to work in family-sustaining, union jobs across the economy, and the Build Back Better Act, which would include significant public investments in renewable energy, transportation, education, and more. This year, we’re working to ensure that federal funding from the Inflation Reduction Act, and other sources, is allocated to essential climate and environmental justice project for New York State.

Member Support and Capacity-Building (Ongoing)

A central function of the NY Renews coalition is to provide support for our coalition members’ projects and priorities. We build movement power and coalition member capacity in a variety of ways, including popular education, training, toolkits, and more. Notably, we distribute upwards of 50% of the revenue we raise through regrants to steering committee and coalition members. 

Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Passed in 2019)

The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) is among the nation’s most aggressive climate and environmental justice laws. The CLCPA, commonly referred to as NY’s landmark climate law, was passed after years of campaigning by NY Renews. The CLCPA commits to 100% zero-emission electricity by 2040, sets legally binding emissions reduction standards to get New York completely off of fossil fuels by 2050, and mandates that 40% of state climate and energy funding be invested in disproportionately disadvantaged communities. Thanks to organizing, lobbying, and advocacy efforts by NY Renews and its 300+ member coalition, the CLCPA passed in 2019.

The draft scoping plan for CLCPA implementation was released in late 2021. NY Renews and our members are organizing with our communities to ensure its climate justice provisions remain strong.

Climate and Community Investment Act (2020-2022 Campaign)

The Climate and Community Investment Act  (CCIA) would set out a framework for a just transition in New York State. Meant as a companion act to the 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), the CCIA plan included a polluter penalty that would fund a variety of community-led and owned climate solutions; create good, green jobs and professional training; and support for low- and moderate-income New Yorkers who would be impacted by the energy transition. During the 2021 legislative session, the CCIA was supported by a majority of the legislators, but met strong opposition from the fossil fuel industry and its allies. We’re continuing the fight to make the CCIA into a reality.