NY Renews releases open letter to the Climate Action Council on NY’s climate plan 

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE***: March 3, 2020

Contact: Arielle Swernoff | (646) 450-5461 | arielle@nyrenews.org 

Web: @NYRenews | www.nyrenews.org

NY Renews releases open letter to the Climate Action Council on NY’s climate plan 

Albany, NY — NY Renews, a multi-sector coalition of nearly 200 organizations that wrote and pushed for New York’s new climate law, released an open letter to the Climate Action Council in advance of its first meeting tomorrow. The Climate Action Council is tasked with writing the scoping plan to meet New York’s climate and justice mandates in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 

In its letter, NY Renews outlines four priorities for the Climate Action Council: a rapid transition to a 100% renewable economy, significant investments in communities most impacted by the climate crisis, strong labor standards and a just transition for workers, and a democratic and participatory process in the development of the scoping plan. 

Members of NY Renews will deliver the letter in person at the Climate Action Council’s first meeting on Tuesday, March 3rd at 1pm and the offices of the Department of Environmental Conservation (625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233).  

The full text of the letter can be found at https://www.nyrenews.org/cac-letter

About NY Renews: 

NY Renews is a coalition of nearly 200 environmental, justice, faith, labor, and community groups, and the force behind the nation’s most progressive climate law, New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. The coalition fights for good jobs and climate justice in New York State. 


NY Renews