In letter to legislators, NY Renews calls governor’s budget “status quo” and demands new funding sources for climate and justice

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE***: February 10, 2020

Contact: Arielle Swernoff | (646) 450-5461 | 

Web: @NYRenews |

In letter to legislators, NY Renews calls governor’s budget “status quo” and demands new funding sources for climate and justice

Albany, NY —  NY Renews, a coalition of nearly 200 groups behind the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, sent a letter to all New York State legislators calling on them to reject the Governor’s “status quo” approach to climate funding and invest in communities most impacted by the climate crisis.  

In the letter, the coalition states that the Governor’s budget “ignores disadvantaged communities as if the CLCPA was never signed into law.” In his 2020 budget, the Governor does not include plans to meet the CLCPA requirement and goal that disadvantaged communities receive 40% of the benefits of clean energy spending. 

The coalition also exposes the Governor for the smoke and mirrors around his $33 billion climate plan, which, they write, “other than a proposed conservation bond act, the vast majority of that sum reflects previously committed funds and not new dollars.” NY Renews is calling for at least $1 billion in new climate and justice spending in this year’s budget, as well as new revenue of $7 to $10 billion per year through the Climate and Community Investment Act. 

Because of the lack of clarity in the Governor’s spending plan and the failure to proactively address the 40% goal for spending in disadvantaged communities, NY Renews is also requesting the legislature hold budget oversight hearings and request that state agencies audit their spending in light of the CLCPA. 

The full letter is available at  

About NY Renews: 

NY Renews is a coalition of nearly 200 environmental, justice, faith, labor, and community groups, and the force behind the nation’s most progressive climate law, New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. The coalition fights for good jobs and climate justice in New York State. 


NY Renews