Testimony of NY Renews Executive Director Stephan Edel before the Joint Budget Hearing on Environmental Conservation

Testimony submitted January 28, 2025

NY Renews is a multi-sectoral coalition consisting of nearly 400 member organizations across New York State, and the driving force behind the nation’s most ambitious and progressive climate law, the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). Our governance is shaped by a diverse range of member organizations, including those focused on environmental justice, community organizing, labor, faith, youth, business, housing justice, and more across New York State. 

Among the many vital issues in this year’s budget, one of the most important is the direction of the state’s efforts on climate change and the hundreds of billions of dollars needed for climate mitigation, adaptation, energy transition, and economic development to support communities impacted by climate change. The Legislature and the Governor were responsive to the needs last session when it comes to remediation and resiliency (i.e., past harms and protecting our infrastructure against future harms) when you passed the Climate Change Superfund Act and the Governor signed it. We would welcome the opportunity to suggest ways to raise revenue in an equitable manner to generate the billions needed for energy transition and the related work that needs to be done, like building affordable green housing.

The Urgency of This Moment

Earlier this month, Governor Kathy Hochul released her 2025 State of the State and the proposed annual state budget. Meanwhile, much of Southern California continued to burn and communities across New York were still recovering from unprecedented wildfires and extreme weather. And in between these events, a new administration was sworn in nationally, one that is actively hostile to climate action. In her release, the Governor claimed that New York was leading on climate, stating, “Acknowledging that the cost of inaction greatly outweighs the cost of any actions we can take together, New York will continue to pursue an aggressive agenda in transitioning to a sustainable green energy economy, in a way that is both environmentally effective and economically affordable for all New Yorkers.”  However, the State of the State policy proposals and the Executive Budget failed to even include the initiatives her administration had been supporting for years. In a last-minute shift, the Governor seemed to mislead both the legislature and public, claiming progress on climate action while undermining years of work to advance the CLCPA and secure the necessary funding. 

The Impacts of Climate Change Are Increasingly Severe and Already Here In New York

  • Rising Sea Levels

    • These not only cause flooding but also bring about increasingly serious challenges in maintaining safe, usable water and functioning infrastructure. 

    • Infrastructure Damage: Rising sea levels threaten critical infrastructure, such as subway systems, airports, and power plants.

  • Heatwaves and Extreme Weather 

    • Heat-Related Illnesses: More frequent and intense heatwaves pose severe health risks, especially for vulnerable populations like the elderly, children, and people with pre-existing health conditions. Extreme temperatures can lead to heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and other life-threatening illnesses. New Yorkers are literally dying from the heat. 

    • Power Outages: Extreme heat can lead to increased demand for air conditioning, putting a strain on the power grid and causing outages. These outages have now become routine in many areas of New York and are becoming increasingly common. (Source: New York Independent System Operator)

  • Changes in Precipitation Patterns

    • Floods and Droughts: Shifts in precipitation patterns are causing more frequent flash floods and prolonged droughts. (Source: New York State Climate Office)

    • Impacts on the Tourism Industry: These changes are raising costs and disrupting skiing and other winter sports, while also creating safety concerns and additional challenges for hiking and other summer activities.  

  • Invasive Species and Diseases 

    • Ecological Disruption: Warmer temperatures enable invasive species to thrive, displacing native wildlife. (Source: The Nature Conservancy)

    • Vector-Borne Diseases: Expanding tick and mosquito habitats increase the risk of diseases like Lyme disease and West Nile virus. (Source: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation)

  •  Air Quality Degradation 

    • Smog and Pollution: Higher temperatures and more frequent heatwaves contribute to increased concentrations of ground-level ozone and particulate matter. (Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene)

    • Health Impacts: Poor air quality exacerbates respiratory diseases. For instance, asthma has led to increased hospitalizations, affecting about 10.0 percent (more than 400,000) of children and 9.9 percent (more than 1.5 million) of adults in New York. There has also been a considerable impact on school absenteeism and missed days of work. (Source: New York State Department of Health and the American Lung Association)

  • Economic Impacts 

    • Tourism: Changing weather patterns may disrupt peak tourism seasons, negatively impacting local economies. (Source: New York State Department of Economic Development)

    • Infrastructure Costs: Adapting and reinforcing infrastructure to withstand climate change impacts will require significant investments. (Source: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority)

    • Agricultural Impacts: Unpredictable weather reduces crop yields and farm revenues across the state. (Source: Cornell University)

    • Migration and Immigration: Irregular and unpredictable migration patterns are creating less stable communities.

Upholding the Nation-Leading Standards of New York’s Climate Law Will Make New York More Affordable and Improve Public Health and Safety 

I would like to begin by highlighting one key issue. Early on, the legislature—particularly the Assembly—fought to protect the integrity and strength of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), securing meaningful victories for our communities and climate efforts. Unfortunately, the issue I am here to testify about is a threat to a key victory. The CLCPA incorporates strong science-based standards and definitions, including specific accounting for methane and strong processes for defining Disadvantaged Communities (DAC). However, the Governor's budget language contains several points that aim to undermine New York State’s definitions and directions. These points suggest the administration intends to move New York away from our strong standards and adopt weaker mandates, all in the name of administrative convenience and in an effort to align with other states and the EPA. There is no reason why New York cannot or should not lead the nation by enforcing more effective standards than those set by an EPA constrained by a conservative Congress or even the standards used in New Hampshire or Connecticut. Loosening standards would imperil the lives of New Yorkers for the sake of administrative ease. If we want to meaningfully address the climate crisis and health-damaging pollution in New York State, we need to aggressively protect the standards in the CLCPA.

The 2025-2026 Budget is a Tremendous Opportunity 

If done right, that means cleaner air, more healthy thriving communities, and increased revenue to spend on infrastructure and the climate transition. The New York State legislature must take the lead in developing this program by addressing the vagueness and shortcomings in the Governor's Executive Budget Proposal. Most importantly, it must ensure that the final program protects Disadvantaged and Environmental Justice Communities and creates visible benefits for their constituencies.  Establishing a transparent and accountable process for climate spending and economic development is crucial, as is ramping up investment and creating programs now, even before the cap and invest system is officially in place. This is a key opportunity to improve affordability, public health, safety, and energy systems. 

Rapid Action to Decarbonize Is Not Only Necessary—It Will Also Benefit the State Economy

Nearly every analysis shows that shifting away from fossil fuels will have a dramatic net benefit to New York State’s economy. At this very moment, we send more than $39 billion out of state for fossil fuels—funds that could have been reinvested into benefiting our communities, rather than fueling record profits for out-of-state oil companies. To reach the CLCPAs ambitious mandates and decarbonization goals, we need to see investments into market conditions that scale up solutions and ease climatic impacts but also invigorate the states economy, such as decarbonizing and retrofitting the building sector. Building decarbonization is uniquely positioned to improve both tenant health and decrease bill costs, develop a new workforce that is knowledgeable and adept around new and energy efficient building technologies while also acting as direct evidence that the state can become early adopters of deep energy retrofits while meeting the gaps and needs in business operations; allowing the state, stakeholders and state residents to take advantage of the many benefits of these efforts. Investment into the efforts will be worth the end results.

Rapid Action to Decarbonize Will Not Only Benefit the State Economy -- It Will Save Lives

I would be remiss if I did not also point out that these actions will literally save the lives of your constituents. Pollution reductions will save the lives of your most vulnerable constituents and have a greater benefit for Black and Brown communities, who bear the heaviest burdens. There is no legislative district in this state that does not have a disadvantaged community disproportionately suffering from pollution. Your communities are paying a heavy price—in health, healthcare costs, Medicaid, missed workdays and school days, more visits to the emergency room, lost productivity, and higher public health costs—all because of pollution. 

There Are Meaningful Budgetary Actions That the State Can and Should Take 

There is an urgent need to have more funds available at this critical moment—and it’s not by the millions, it is by the billions. Available state and federal funding is dwindling and the money that once seemed promising is now going away. Climate funding doesn’t just touch upon environmental causes—it is an intersectional issue impacting multiple other sectors such as housing, transit, employment, education, physical and mental health and more. Without active available funds to bring about opportunities and drive development, the impact will be felt by everyone, not just a select few. This is a critical moment we cannot let slip away to secure more funding and make significant progress on the CLCPA. 

What We Need To See the State Prioritize In Spending In This Budget

  • Move forward with Cap-and-Invest regulations or legislation to ensure that funds are available for this budget year.

  • Ensure that climate funding from Cap-and-Invest or other sources is directed to the Climate Action Fund in this year's budget. This includes support funding for low- to moderate-income (LMI) households, creating new programs through the Climate Action Fund to help all New Yorkers access housing and building upgrades for decarbonization, and funding community-directed climate grants.  

  • In her budget address, the Governor called for at least $1 billion in new funding to expand affordability and public safety through climate spending. The legislature should hold the Governor to that commitment and work with the administration to secure at least $1 billion for the Climate Action Fund, even if it is not predicated on Cap-and-Invest funds anticipated for this year. 

  • Additionally, the legislature can continue to push for funding through the Climate Action Fund for specific line items, including:

  • Collaborating with government agencies and energy companies to fund:

    • Training for upskilling in the clean energy sector.

    • Jobs, workshops, apprenticeships, and internships for people in disadvantaged communities (DACs). 

  • Collaborating with the transportation and technology sectors to advance:

    • Electric vehicle (EV) development and public transportation powered by clean energy.

    • Heat pumps development and promote their use.

    • Smart grid development for one that can reliably handle a greater electricity load.

  • Work with the building sector to advance:

    • Building electrification and retrofits.

    • Stricter building codes that require buildings to become more energy efficient.

    • Upgrading low-income housing.

    • Upgrading homes and infrastructure to better withstand flooding and other severe weather events.

In conclusion, thank you for your attention and consideration. It is urgent that New York State continue to not just act, but lead, on climate change - it is an urgent health and safety threat to New Yorkers and only through aggressive legislative and budgetary action can our elected leaders protect their constituents, and with them the entire world. 

Best Regards, 

Stephan Edel

NY Renews Executive Director;  On behalf of the NY Renews Steering Committee and Membership



NY Renews Fund Climate One-Pager and Cap and Invest One-Pager

Recent Research Reports by Member organizations

Full list of members:

NY Renews is a statewide coalition of nearltyy 400 groups that was the moving force behind the 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).  NY Renews is a multi-sector climate, jobs, and justice coalition working towards action on climate, jobs, and justice. In all parts of NY State, our members represent hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers from every constituency in the state, including community groups, environmental justice groups, labor unions, environmental organizations, businesses, faith organizations, and more.  For more information contact us at info@nyrenews.org  NY Renews is coordinated by a Steering Committee, indicated in bold. 


21C4E Inc.


350 Capital Region

350 Plattsburgh




A Better Way

Action Corps NYC

ALIGN - NY Alliance for A Greater NY 

Alive Structures

All Our Energy

All SoulsNYC  climate Justice

Alliance for a Green Economy

Alliance for Climate Education

Aurorans for Climate and Energy Sense (ACES)

AVillage, Inc.

Aytzim: Ecological Judaism

Basilica Hudson

Bay Ridge Environmental Group

Big Reuse

Binghamton Regional Sustainability Coalition




Brooklyn Movement Center

Brooklyn Progressive Alliance

Brooklyn Resisters

Buddhist Action Coalition - Upper Hudson & Berkshires

Build A Better Planet

Business Forward

C4 - Christians Concerned About Climate Change

C4 | Christians Concerned About Climate Change

Campaign for Renewable Energy

Capital District DSA (formerly Albany DSA)

Capital NYPAN (formerly The Bernie Sanders Network)

Capital Region Interfaith Creation Care Coalition

Carroll Gardens Association

Catskill Mountainkeeper


Center for Bioregional Living

Center for disaster resilient solutions 501(c)(3)

Center for Earth Ethics

Center for Popular Democracy

Center for Social Inclusion

Center For Working Families / NY Working Families 

Central Brooklyn Independent Democrats

Central New York Citizen in Action, Inc.

Central Synagogue

Citizen Action of New York 

Citizens Climate Lobby Albany Chapter 

Citizens for Local Power

Citizens' Climate Lobby NY Legislative Team

Citizens' Climate Lobby Rochester Chapter

City Island Rising

City Island Rising, Inc.

Clean Air Coalition of Coeymans Rave

Clean Air Coalition of Greater Raveva and Coeymans 

Clean and Healthy New York

Clean Energy Technology Resources, LLC

Cleaner Oceans Institute

Cleanup North Brooklyn

Climate Action Mondays

Climate Change Awareness & Action

Climate Change Working Group of Indivisible Mohawk Valley

Climate Changers

Climate Hawks Vote

Climate Justice Coalition of WNY

Climate Justice Committee of CNY Solidarity .org

Climate Justice Cornell

Climate Reality Project, Finger Lakes Greater Region NY Chapter

Climate Reality Project: Northern Adirondack Region, NY

Climate Realty Project, Chautauqua County Chapter

Climate Science Communication for Youth

Coalition for Economic Justice

Coalition for Sustainable Economic Development

Coalition for Wetlands & Forest

College Democrats of New York


Common Energy

Communications Workers of America - District 1 

Communications Workers of America Local 1108

Community Advocates for Sustainable Environment

Community Voices Heard

Cooperative Economics Alliance of NYC

Council of Municipal Retiree Organizations of NYC -COMRO

Creation Care Committee of First Reformed Church Schenectady

Creation Care Community in the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island

Democratic Socialists of America- NYC Chapter

Democratic Socialists of America: Suffolk County Chapter


Draft Bernie New York

Drawdown NYC

Dutchess County Progressive Action Alliance

Earth Celebrations 


East New York Restoration LDC

El Batey Inc 

El Puente

Emerald Cities Collaborative

Empire State Indivisible

Empire State Progressives

Environment New York

Environmental Action Coalition

Environmental Advocates of New York

Environmental Investigation Agency

Environmental Justice Ministry of First Unitarian Church of Rochester

Faith in New York

Fast Food Justice

Fifth Avenue Committee

First Reformed Church of Schenectady 

Flower City Noire Collective 

For the Many (Formerly Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson)

Forest Hills High School Green Team

Free the People WNY

Fridays For Future NYC 

Friends of Columbia Solar

Friends of the Earth U.S.

Fruit Belt Community Land Trust


Grassroots Gardens WNY

Green Beacon Coalition

Green Education and Legal Fund

Green For All

Green Owls

Green Schools Alliance





GRID Alternatives

Groundwork Buffalo



Haitian American Political Action Committee of New York , Inc

Hamilton College Democrats

Harlem Climate Caucus


Hudson Center for Community and Environment

Human Impacts Institute

Humanists of Long Island

HUMuS - Huntington Mobilization for Sustainability

IBEW Local 11 Renew

Indivisible Harlem

Indivisible Hudson Valley

Indivisible Nassau County

Indivisible Nation BK

Interfaith Climate Justice Community of WNY

Interfaith Impact of NYS

Inwood Indivisible

Jewish Climate Action NYC

Jobs to Move America

Joule Community Power

Judson Memorial Church

Kinetic Communities Consulting Corporation

La Plaza Cultural Community Garden

Labor Religion Coalition of New York State

Leaders of Environmental Awareness and Protection (LEAP)

Liberty Renewables

Life Sciences Secondary School

Long Island Activists

Long Island Jobs with Justice

Long Island Progressive Coalition

Make the Road New York

Massachusetts Avenue Project

Metro Justice

Mid Hudson Valley DSA

Mid Hudson Valley Sunrise 


Millennials For Revolution

Moms Clean Air Force

Mothers on the Move 

Mothers Out Front

Mountain Rise United Church of Christ Green climate Action Team

Move Forward Staten Island

Movement for a People's Party (formerly DraftBernie.org)

Muslims for Progress


Nassau County Democratic Socialists of America

Nassau Hiking & Outdoor Club

National Association of Social Workers - NYS Chapter

National Young Farmers Coalition

New Economy Project

New Paltz Climate Action Coalition

New York Civil Liberties Union

New York Climate Advocacy Project

New York Indivisible

New York Interfaith Power and Light

New York Lawyers for the Public Interest

New York Progressive Action Network

New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG)

New York State Council of Churches

New York UU Justice 

New York Youth Climate Leaders

New York Youth Climate Strike

Newport Ventures

Newtown Creek Alliance

NexGen WOWTech, llc

Niagara Share 

North American Climate, Conservation and Environment(NACCE

North American Climate, Conservation and Environment(NACCE)

North Brooklyn Neighbors

North Brooklyn Neighbors 

Northern Power & Light, Inc

Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition

Northwest Bronx Indivisble

NW Bronx Indivisible

NY Small Farma

NY02 Indivisible

NYC Environmental Justice Alliance



NYSNA - NY State Nurses Association 

NYU Divest 

One Queens Indivisible

Open Buffalo

Operation Resilient Living and Innovation, Plus

Our Climate

Our Power

Partners for Climate Action

Partnership for the Public Good


PEER: Progressive East End Reformers

People of Albany United for Safe Energy - PAUSE

People's Climate Movement-Capital Region

Peoples Climate Movement NY

Plant Pioneers


Power To The People

Progressive Schenectady


Protect Our Winters

PUSH Buffalo

Put A Price On It

Queens Climate Project


RAICA (Rochester Area Interfaith Climate Action


Regiven Environmental Project

Renewable Energy Long Island



Rensselaer Environmental Coalition

Rescuing Leftover Cuisine

Resource Generation NYC Chapter

Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union (RWDSU)

ReWild Long Island

Rise and Resist

Riverdale-Yonkers Society for Ethical Culture

Rivers & Mountains GreenFaith

Rochester People's Climate Coalition



Sane Energy Project

Saratoga Progressive Action

Saratoga Unites

SASE World Inc.

Sierra Club

Sisters of St. Joseph Brentwood NY Office of Justice, Peace, Integriaty of Creation

Sisters of St. Joseph Brentwood NY Office of Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation

Sixth Street Community Center

Social Justice Committee, UU Congregation at Shelter Rock

Solar One

Solidarity Committee of the Capital District 


Solutions Project

South Bronx Unite

South Shore Recovery Coalition/AAH


Staten Island Urban Center

Stop NY Fracked Gas Pipeline

Suffolk Student Climate Action Committee

Sun Ra Solar



Sunrise Ithaca

Sunrise Movement Hamilton College

Sunrise Movement Long Island

SUNY Plattsburgh Environmental Action Committee 

Sustainable Staten Island

Sustainable Tompkins

Sustainable Warwick


Swing Left Target 2020 (New York City)

Syracuse United Neighbors

Teamsters Joint Council 16

The Climate Journal Project

The Climate Reality Project New York City Metro Chapter

The Climate Reality Project Peconic Region Chapter

The Climate Reality Project Western New York Chapter

The Climate Reality Project: Capital Region, NY Chapter

The Elmont Cultural Center

The Lower Eastside Girls Club of NY

The Metropolitan New York Synod

The Morningsdie Hts/W. Harlem Sanitation Coalition, Inc.

The People's Organizing Collective- USAS Local 3


The Re-Earth Initiative 

The Rochester Youth Climate Leaders

The WASH Project, Inc,

Tishman Environment and Design Center

Tompkins County Climate Protection Initiative

Town of Kirkland Democratic Committee

Transition Town Port Washington


Third Act Upstate New York

True Blue New York (TBNY)

TWU local 100 

UAW Region 9

Ujima Company, Inc.

United Climate Action Network (UCAN)

United University Professions


Urban Chamber of Commerce

Urban League of Rochester

VOICE Buffalo

Vokashi, Inc.

Vote Solar

Wakanda Alliance Program 

Waterfront Alliance

WE ACT for Environmental Justice

Western N.Y. Council on Occupational Safety & Health

Western New York Environmental Alliance

Western New York Youth Climate Council

Western NY Council on Occupational Safety & Health

NY Renews