NY Renews on the End of the 2024 Legislative Session: Polluters Will Pay


June 10, 2024

Contact: Marie Scarles | (646) 389-8429‬ | marie@nyrenews.org

Web: @NYRenews | www.nyrenews.org

Albany, NY — In response to the Assembly’s passage of the Climate Change Superfund Act and the close of the 2024 legislative session, NY Renews issued the following statement:

After years of delay, the New York State Assembly joined the State Senate in passing the Climate Change Superfund Act—breakthrough legislation that will make the most polluting corporations in our state pay for the harm they’ve caused to New York communities statewide, raising $3 billion a year for climate mitigation, adaptation, and resiliency projects in the process.

This is a real step forward: the bill will help shift the costs of the climate crisis off of working people and onto Big Oil companies responsible for this mess. But it’s one step among the many we’ll need to address the escalating and interlocking crises of extreme heat and weather, rising costs, and rampant pollution. State leaders must pass the NY HEAT and Just Energy Transition Acts to help shift New York off of fracked gas, onto renewable energy, and to create union jobs and lower energy bills as soon as possible. 

We commend the lawmakers who worked hard this session to create the just, equitable, and livable future we deserve. NY Renews and our movement will continue to fight for climate and environmental justice for our communities across New York. 


NY Renews is a coalition of over 380 environmental justice, faith, labor, and community groups, and the force behind the nation’s most progressive climate law. We fight for good jobs and climate justice for New Yorkers statewide. 

NY Renews