NY Renews Statement on the 2022-2023 Executive Budget Address

Here is a link to PDF of Statement, and the text is below.


January 18th, 2022


Contact: Stephan Edel | (646) 644-1845 | stephan@nyrenews.org 

Web: @NYRenews | www.nyrenews.org

NY Renews Statement on the 2022-2023 Executive Budget Address

Today, Governor Hochul released the 2022-2023 Executive budget proposal. NY Renews, the statewide coalition of 300+ organizations that was the force behind passage of the landmark Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, released the following statement: 

While Governor Hochul’s budget address mentioned the importance of fighting the climate crisis and ending the environmental impacts that disproportionately hit Black, Brown, and other communities of color, it fell far short of funding a just transition. NY Renews hoped to see an evolution from previous administrations’ piecemeal and ineffective response to the climate emergency threatening the whole state, but we were sorely disappointed. 

The entire nation is looking to New York to lead on climate, to do that NY Renews is calling for the state to lead by investing $15 billion for climate, jobs, and justice. This figure represents less than 7% of the governor’s proposed budget, is supported by science, and matches the scale that NYSERDA and the Climate Action Council says NY needs every year to meet this crisis head-on.  

The Governor’s proposal falls far short of this mark. We were more encouraged by the content of the People’s Budget on this issue, which spoke to the urgency of funding this transition. 


About NY Renews:  NY Renews is a coalition of over 300+ environmental, environmental justice, justice, faith, labor, business, and community groups, and the force behind the nation’s most progressive climate law, New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. The coalition fights for good jobs and climate justice in New York State.  


NY Renews