Movie Trailer Release: #CuomosClimateCrisis

Coming January 2019

Daniela Lapidous | 408-505-8010 |

New York, NY -- In 2019, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will team up with Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie to face off against the most pressing issue of our time—climate change. Today, NY Renews released a preview of the battle ahead.

What critics are saying:

“After watching that preview, the suspense is killing me – will Governor Cuomo say the magic words in January? Our state needs a hero who can pass the Climate and Community Protection Act. I’ll be on the edge of my seat until then,” said Katherine Nadeau, Program Director at Catskill Mountainkeeper.

“On Monday, Governor Cuomo said that climate change is a true test of our courage, competence, and vision. He can demonstrate that courage and vision by pledging to pass the Climate and Community Protection Act in his State of the State address,” said Eddie Bautista, Executive Director of the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance.  

“Governor Cuomo has been a climate leader for NY state. But every great story has twists and turns. I can’t wait to find out in January whether he’ll team up with Senate Leader Stewart-Cousins and Speaker Heastie to pass the Climate and Community Protection Act, once and for all,” said Rachel Rivera, Hurricane Sandy survivor and member of NY Communities for Change.

“The climate crisis has always had villains and heroes. Tackling climate change is a story of everyday people fighting a giant industry bent on making billions while the world spirals out of control. Governor Cuomo can stand with the people and be a climate hero by supporting the Climate and Community Protection Act in 2019,” said Lisa Tyson, Long Island Progressive Coalition Director.

Can’t get enough of the action?

See full NY Renews statement in response to Governor Cuomo’s #2019JusticeAgenda speech.

About the Climate & Community Protection Act:

  • Transitions the whole NY economy to 100% renewable energy by 2050

  • Implements fair labor standards for state-funded renewable energy projects

  • Invests resources and creates jobs in environmental justice communities

About NY Renews

Formed in 2015 and with a membership of over 150 organizations, NY Renews is a growing coalition of organizations representing New Yorkers from all walks of life — community groups, environmental justice advocates, labor unions, faith communities, and many more. We fight to protect New Yorkers from climate change, especially communities of color and low-income communities – who are hit the hardest by pollution, heat waves, extreme rainfall, and more frequent storms.


NY Renews